Mansfield Oil & Energy Co delivers a Bioheat fuel.


– Bioheat : Mansfield Oil & Energy Co. has adopted bioheat as our heating oil of choice.  Bioheat is better for your heating system, better for local farmers, economy and the environment.
-Bioheat is cleaner and a more sustainable heat. Bioheat is blend of traditional heating oil and biodiesel.  Biodiesel is heating made from renewable, domestic sources, such as Vegetable, palm or canola oils are prime examples.  
-It is heating oil with a blend of one of the above to create Bioheat with different ratios.
_ This blend is effective and burns cleaner,  putting fewer emissions than fuel that is just petroleum and it does not cost extra.  It provides the same level of heat as traditional heating oil.

– Bioheat is nontoxic, biodegradable heating source.No modifications needed on your heating system.

                                             Call today  @ 1-508-339-4473          


Don’t forget to ask about the ” PACEADS” tips:


                                                     Oil Heat Fact Sheet


  • Oil heat is non-carcinogenic and biodegradable, does not explode, and will not burn in it’s liquid form.

  • Oil heat systems give off visible warning signs which protect us against carbon monoxide poisoning. The system will release soot or smoke – an early warning sign that something is wrong.


  •  Homeowners have a choice of local providers. We are all independent.

  • Full- Service Oil heat dealers may offer emergency service, automatic delivery, budget and price protection programs, service agreements, loyalty programs and more. Each is independent with varied offers.


  • equipment can have efficiency as high as 86 percent currently.

  • New technologies will be working towards making Oil heat 95 percent cleaner than it was 20 years ago.

  • Today’s fuel, with low or ultra-low sulfur levels and blended with renewable biodiesel, produces almost no emissions.


  • Heating oil equipment can have efficiency as high as 95 percent.

  • The average home uses 56% less heating oil today then they did in 1981.

  • Upgrading to a  new boiler can reduce fuel usage by as much as 50 percent.

  • Upgrades can usually be completed in one day, by a specialized company.

  • Installation of smart technologies can reduce fuel usage even further.


The Oil heat industry is continually researching and developing technologies . The Oil heat industry is Environmentally friendly.

                                                                                                                            945 East Street, Mansfield, MA. 02048   1-508-339-4473